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AI Phishing: A New Frontier of Cybercrime

A new threat has emerged in cybersecurity that's keeping IT professionals up at night: Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered phishing attacks. AI, which refers to computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, is now being leveraged by cybercriminals. 作为你值得信赖的顾问 in cybersecurity and managed IT services, we're here to shed light on this sophisticated scam and arm you with the knowledge to protect your business. 

Protecting Your Business from Modern Cyber Threats: What You Need to Know

Businesses of all sizes face an increasing array of cyber risks. 作为你值得信赖的顾问, we want to shed light on three prevalent threats that could impact your business: ACH fraud, 支付重定向, and business email compromise (BEC) schemes. Understanding these risks and knowing how to protect against them is crucial for safeguarding your assets and maintaining trust with your customers and partners.

How AI Can Transform Operations in Not-for-Profit Organizations

Efficiency and efficacy are necessities for survival and growth in not-for-profit organizations. 随着技术的进步, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a powerful ally in enhancing these aspects. 盈利, 经常缺乏资源, stand to gain significantly from integrating AI into their workflows.

Navigating IRS 1099 TIN Mismatch Letters: What You Need to Know

The IRS has recently issued a series of 1099 TIN mismatch letters, also known as CP2100 and CP2100A notices for 2022 and 2023, indicating a ramp-up in enforcement and penalties related to 1099 filings. These notices can lead to significant compliance obligations, so understanding what they mean and how to respond is crucial for maintaining compliance and avoiding penalties. 

Staying Secure During Tax Season: Your Guide to Avoiding Phishing and Smishing Scams

我们即将迎来又一个纳税季节, it's not just the crunch of numbers that should be on our minds but also the heightened risk of falling prey to cyber scams. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), following its eighth annual Security Summit, has issued an early reminder: Be vigilant against phishing and smishing scams. This advice isn't just for those in the U.S. − cybercriminals are sharpening their tactics globally. Let's walk through essential tips to help you navigate this tricky period safely and confidently.

Business and Data Privacy: A Shared Responsibility

In the vast expanse of the digital age, the nexus between technology and privacy compels businesses to assume a crucial role in safeguarding the data entrusted to them. As we approach Data Privacy Week 2024, it’s imperative to explore the intricate sides of this collaborative responsibility that businesses and individuals jointly bear. This article delves into the critical aspect of legal and ethical compliance, emphasizing its profound impact on fostering trust, 确保透明度, and navigating the evolving regulatory landscape.

New Year’s Resolutions: Cyber Security Edition

As the clock strikes midnight and the calendar flips over to a new year, many of us embark on the tradition of setting New Year's resolutions. 无论是去健身房, 学习一项新技能, or finally tackling that reading list, resolutions are a way to usher in the year with optimism and a commitment to self-improvement. However, there's one resolution that often gets overlooked amid personal goals: cybersecurity. 在数字时代, protecting your business from cyber threats should be at the top of your resolution list. Let's explore why and how you should make cybersecurity a priority, and why waiting until the new year might not be the best strategy. 

Bringing Your Own Device into the Workplace: Navigating the New Norm

在我们快节奏的数字世界里, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement has transformed from a growing trend to an essential part of modern workplaces. Understanding and effectively managing BYOD is crucial. But what does this mean for your business, and how can you balance the benefits with the inherent risks?

Understanding the Dark Web: A Guide for Business Leaders

We often hear the term "dark web" thrown around. 但这到底是什么意思呢? And more importantly, what do business leaders need to know? Let's shed light on this mysterious corner of the internet and understand its implications for your business. 

网络安全 Webinar on Friday the 13th | 网络安全 doesn’t have to be scary. Guard against bad luck with these best practices.

Is your organization prepared to face cyber threats head-on? 网络安全 Awareness Month (CAM) is here (October), and we invite you to our exclusive webinar event to equip you with the knowledge and tools to safeguard your business.